Medor новые часы от Hermes

Женские часы Hermes

Сапфировое стекло, кварцевый механизм и заостренные стрелки. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector Square. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS.

Знаковая отделка с заклепками Clous de Paris, квадратный корпус, минеральное стекло, выгравированный логотип и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: красный. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector Square.

Арабский циферблат, корпус из нержавеющей стали, минеральное стекло, кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, завинчивающаяся задняя крышка, заводная головка, кожаный ремешок и застежка на пряжке. На этот.

Кварцевый механизм, прямоугольный корпус, сапфировое стекло и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: серый. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector Square. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия.

Прямоугольный корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка на зажиме, циферблат с индексами и завинчивающаяся задняя крышка. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector.

Бочкообразный корпус, автоматический механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: серый. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности.

Знаковая отделка с заклепками Clous de Paris, квадратный корпус, застежка на пряжке, кварцевый механизм и минеральное стекло. Цвет: красный. Этот товар доставят в его оригинальной упаковке. В комплект.

Квадратный корпус, арабский циферблат, прямоугольные вытянутые индексы, кварцевый механизм и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: зеленый. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector Square. На этот товар.

Арабский циферблат, корпус из нержавеющей стали, сапфировое стекло, кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, декор из кристаллов, завинчивающаяся задняя крышка, заводная головка, кожаный ремешок и застежка.

Бочкообразный корпус, автоматический механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: черный. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: синий. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector.

Прямоугольный корпус, застежка на пряжке, арабский циферблат, прямоугольные вытянутые стрелки и кварцевый механизм. Цвет: белый. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности от Collector Square. На этот товар.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и дисплей с датой и днем. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. В комплект.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и индикатор даты. Цвет: белый. На этот товар распространяется стандартная двухлетняя гарантия от бутика.

Кварцевый механизм, циферблат с индексами, заостренные стрелки, квадратный корпус, регулируемый дизайн и застежка на пряжке. Бутик, в котором представлена эта вещь, гарантирует, что она в отличном состоянии.

Pre-Owned. Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки, циферблат с индексами и заводная головка. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка на зажиме и заостренные стрелки. На этот товар распространяется стандартная двухлетняя гарантия от бутика.. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS.

Квадратный корпус, автоматический механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке и позолоченная фурнитура. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, заостренные стрелки и заводная головка. Цвет: красный. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика.. Обратите внимание, что.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и заводная головка. Цвет: черный. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. Обратите.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка-клипса, циферблат с индексами, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Обратите внимание, что это товар с.

Квадратный корпус, заостренные стрелки, завинчивающаяся заводная коронка, циферблат с индексами и золотистые заклепки. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, позолоченные и граненые стрелки и сапфировое стекло. Цвет: желтый. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря.

Прямоугольный корпус, автоматический механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка на зажиме, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: белый. В комплект входит сертификат подлинности.

Арабский циферблат, перламутровый циферблат, сапфировое стекло, кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, завинчивающаяся задняя крышка, заводная головка, кожаный ремешок и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: серый.

Квадратный корпус, арабский циферблат, дисплей с датой и днем, сапфировое стекло, прямоугольные вытянутые стрелки, застежка на пряжке и автоматический механизм. Цвет: красный. В комплект входит сертификат.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка на зажиме, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, пирамидальные серьги и заостренные стрелки. Цвет: красный. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи и застежка на пряжке. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может иметь незначительные дефекты.

Овальный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке и заостренные стрелки. Цвет: черный. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет, застежка на зажиме, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка.

Прямоугольный корпус, застежка на пряжке, прорезанные отверстия и кварцевый механизм. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS: Это вещь с историей. Если вы сделаете выбор в ее пользу, то дадите вещи вторую жизнь и поможете.

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Прямоугольный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: коричневый. На этот товар распространяется годовая.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: черный. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря.

Наручные часы Medor 2000-х годов от Hermès. Золотистая фурнитура, кварцевый механизм и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: синий. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Наручные часы 2000-х годов от Hermès. Кварцевый механизм, регулируемый размер и прямоугольный циферблат. Цвет: серебристый. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние.

Кварцевый механизм, заводная головка, пирамидальные серьги, откидной клапан, золотистые заклепки и заостренные стрелки. Цвет: черный. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние.

Квадратный корпус, ремешок из телячьей кожи и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: оранжевый. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, застежка на пряжке, регулируемый дизайн и дисплей с датой и днем. Цвет: черный. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. Обратите внимание, что.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи и застежка на пряжке. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на.

Кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке и прямоугольный корпус. Цвет: черный.

Арабский циферблат, заводная головка, кожаный ремешок и застежка на пряжке. На этот товар распространяется стандартная двухлетняя гарантия от бутика.. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS: Это вещь с историей. Если вы.

Арабский циферблат, дисплей с датой и днем, заводная головка, кварцевый механизм, мечевидные стрелки, круглый корпус, выгравированный логотип и застежка-клипса. На этот товар распространяется стандартная.

Знаковая отделка с заклепками Clous de Paris, кварцевый механизм, циферблат с индексами, заостренные стрелки, квадратный корпус, регулируемый дизайн и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: коричневый. На этот товар.

Заводная головка, цепочный браслет, циферблат с индексами, заостренные стрелки, застежка-клипса и выгравированный логотип. На этот товар распространяется годовая гарантия от бутика. POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS.

Заостренные стрелки, завинчивающаяся заводная коронка, дисплей с датой и днем, ремешок из телячьей кожи и застежка на пряжке. Цвет: коричневый. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, заостренные стрелки и завинчивающаяся заводная коронка. Цвет: белый. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет со звеньями, застежка на зажиме, мечевидные стрелки и дисплей с датой и днем. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное.

Кварцевый механизм, заводная головка, пирамидальные серьги, откидной клапан, золотистые заклепки и заостренные стрелки. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и заводная головка. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние.

Квадратный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке и заостренные стрелки. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может иметь незначительные.

Кварцевый механизм, круглый корпус, арабский циферблат, застежка-бабочка и браслет из нержавеющей стали. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может иметь незначительные.

Кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, завинчивающаяся заводная коронка, ремешок из телячьей кожи и застежка на пряжке. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может.

Кварцевый механизм, квадратный корпус, завинчивающаяся заводная коронка, ремешок из телячьей кожи, золотистые заклепки и застежка на пряжке. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и заводная головка. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он.

Прямоугольный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки и циферблат с индексами. Цвет: синий. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет, тройная раскладная застежка и заостренные стрелки. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он может иметь.

Прямоугольный корпус, кварцевый механизм, ремешок из телячьей кожи, застежка на пряжке, заостренные стрелки, заводная головка и сапфировое стекло. Цвет: зеленый. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет, застежка-клипса, заостренные стрелки и дисплей с датой и днем. Обратите внимание, что это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное состояние, он.

Круглый корпус, кварцевый механизм, регулируемый браслет, тройная раскладная застежка, завинчивающаяся заводная коронка, заостренные стрелки и циферблат с индексами. Это товар с историей. Несмотря на отличное.

Hermes Watches

H Hour

Cape Cod

Cape Cod Tonneau



Slim d’Hermes


Clipper Automatic

Carre H


About Hermes Watches

Hermes watches began producing timepieces in Biel, Switzerland, in 1928, creating La Montre Hermès. Hermes watches are classic and elegant with a wide choice of beautiful straps. Hermes began with creating the Arceau wristwatches, and then quickly expanded to include the Clipper and Cape Cod watches. In 1997 Hermes launched the H-Hour watch, which features the famous Hermes H. and is available in stainless steel and yellow gold models. Next came the Dressage which, an automatic watch with a Manufacture Vaucher movement and can be found in stainless steel and rose gold models.

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Hermes is a family-owned business with a long history of creating beautiful leather goods, perfume, and silk scarves. Today Hermes has boutiques throughout the world and is considered one of the most popular and recognized luxury brands.

Hermes has conceived many unique collections over the years. The Hermès Heure collection, also known in English as the Hermes H Hour collection, is one of the most recognizable watches that they produce. It has a unique case shape shaped like the H from their logo. Hermès Heure watches have numerous models that come on high-end leather straps made of the luxury grade leather you have come to expect from this brand. While many Hermès Heure wristwatches use a watch band that wraps around the wrist only once, many models will use a double tour strap. The double tour straps from Hermes wrap around the wrist twice

Another fine collection is the Hermès Cape Cod collection. The watches in this collection have a unique polished, rounded pipe-shaped case. Cases are either rectangular, square, or tonneau-shaped (barrel-shaped).

Something that distinguishes the Hermès Cape Cod watch from others is that it has smooth, tubular lugs that connect to the leather strap on each end and a center tube to hold the strap in place. Hermès Cape Cod watches come with either a quartz movement or, in some instances, you can find a Hermès Cape Cod Automatic. Once you have seen a Hermès Cape Cod watch, they will be hard to miss afterward.

Another collection that shares features that are similar is the Hermes Arceau, which also uses a tubular lug design. This collection has a round-shaped watch, and its dial shows numerals that appear to be dancing around the dial clockwise. The numbers on the watch face are italicized in a way that they are leaning into one another. The Arceau collection has several variations, including the Arceau Petite Lune, which has a small moon phase window and a sub-dial with the date.

There is the Arceau Grande Lune Automatic, which has the moon phase integrated into the date sub-register at the 6 o’clock position, with the day and month appearing in two windows on top. Other models in this collection feature other interesting complications such as a Chronograph or a retrograde date.

Hermes produces watches for men and women. The Carre H, Clipper Sport, and Clipper Automatic are all great examples of men’s watches.

Hermes creates some fascinating designs for the ladies too. Fine examples like the Hermes Kelly watch are a testament to this. The Kelly watch looks like a tiny padlock that is attached to a leather strap.

Hermes watches have a style that can be considered avant-garde with series such as the Hermes Kelly with its lock theme and the Hermes Medor watch collection, which resembles a hunting dog’s collar. It has steel spikes on the strap and a matching watch cover that is opened by pushing on the winding crown.

The Hermes Carre H is a collection that has a smooth square case with a barenia calfskin leather strap. The guilloche dial has a design that makes use of geometrical patterns and has a unique second’s hand. The in-house Hermes H1912 automatic movement powers it.

Another great Hermes automatic watch that uses a Manufacture movement is the Hermes Slim. It uses the Caliber H1950, which is an ultra-thin movement measuring at only 2.6mm thick! This collection comes with a few design variations. Some watches have a black dial and some an opaline dial. Most models in this series come on a stainless steel case, but there are a few that use an 18kt rose gold case; if you are looking for something a little higher-end, this can make for an exquisite look and comfortable wear.

Hermès Médor watches

  • Cape Cod (22)
  • Arceau (14)
  • Kelly (13)
  • Médor (11)
  • Clipper (9)
  • Heure H (9)
  • Barenia (5)
  • Kelly 2 (3)
  • Rallye (3)
  • Nantucket (2)
  • Paprika (2)
  • Pullman (2)
  • Sellier (2)
  • Windsor (2)
  • Cherche Midi (1)
  • Harnais (1)
  • Loquet (1)
  • Météore (1)
  • Nomade (1)
  • Tandem (1)
  • Vintage (1)
  • >See all Collections
  • Audemars Piguet
  • Baume & Mercier
  • Bell & Ross
  • Blancpain
  • Boucheron
  • Breguet
  • Breitling
  • Bulgari
  • Cartier
  • Chanel
  • Chaumet
  • Chopard
  • Corum
  • Hermès
  • IWC
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre
  • Longines
  • Omega
  • Panerai
  • Patek Philippe
  • Piaget
  • Poiray
  • Rolex
  • TAG Heuer
  • Tudor
  • Vacheron Constantin
  • Van Cleef & Arpels
  • Zenith

Hermès Médor watches

The history of the Medor watch

The Hermès Medor watch was created in 1993 and quickly found success among followers of fashion worldwide. As the name suggests, the Hermès Medor watch was inspired by dog collars with spikes of gilded metal that decorate its bracelet.

The style of the Hermès Medor watch

Simple and elegant, the dial of the Medorwatch is nestled in a gold metal shell, sometimes giving the impression of a jewellery, sometimes giving the impression of a watch. Building on its success, the Hermès Medor range is now available with many accessories: bracelets, belts, wallets.

Available in various colours, the Hermès Medor watch has joined the clan of the indispensable Hermès watches, such as the Hermès Arceau, the Cape Cod watch or the Heure H watch.

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Hermes Médor watch in gold plated

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in silver Circa 1990

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1996

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in silver Circa 1999

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Ref: ME1.201 Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Ref: ME1.201 Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

Retail Price: 3,900 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Ref: ME1.201

Retail Price: 3,900 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 2000

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Ref: ME1.201 Circa 2000

Retail Price: 3,650 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 2000

Retail Price: 3,650 €

This item is no longer available

Hermes Médor watch in gold plated Circa 1990

This item is no longer available

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All items are delivered with their certificate of expertise. Each item is expertly evaluated before being placed online and examined by our experts:
– expert in bags: Jérôme Lalande
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Authentication before online release

All items are delivered with their certificate of expertise. Each item is expertly evaluated before being placed online and examined by our experts:
– expert in bags: Jérôme Lalande
– expert in watches: Romain Réa
– expert in jewellery: Thierry Stetten

Authentication before online release

All items are delivered with their certificate of expertise. Each item is expertly evaluated before being placed online and examined by our experts:
– expert in bags: Jérôme Lalande
– expert in watches: Romain Réa
– expert in jewellery: Thierry Stetten

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The history of Hermès Médor

Hermès Médor watches

The history of the Medor watch

The Hermès Medor watch was created in 1993 and quickly found success among followers of fashion worldwide. As the name suggests, the Hermès Medor watch was inspired by dog collars with spikes of gilded metal that decorate its bracelet.

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The style of the Hermès Medor watch

Simple and elegant, the dial of the Medorwatch is nestled in a gold metal shell, sometimes giving the impression of a jewellery, sometimes giving the impression of a watch. Building on its success, the Hermès Medor range is now available with many accessories: bracelets, belts, wallets.

Available in various colours, the Hermès Medor watch has joined the clan of the indispensable Hermès watches, such as the Hermès Arceau, the Cape Cod watch or the Heure H watch.


The Hermès Watches collections

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Hermes Watches

Hermès, a luxurious Parisian fashion house, is a transcendent and timeless brand known for its signature pieces of ready-to-wear garments and accessories, including perfumes, jewelry, and watches. For generations, the brand has become a household name with quality leather products from Birkin bags down to the straps of their watches. With the brand’s constant quest of creating contemporary artisanal items, Hermès watches are slowly dominating the world of luxury watchmaking with their quality, design, and functionality that can stand the test of time.

Hermes Watch Collections

Beyond Birkin: Hermès Sweeps Watch Lovers Off Their Feet, Too!

Hermès started as a harness and saddle workshop before eventually venturing into luxury leather goods. The sudden change of course of the family-owned business paved the way for it to bloom even more as they started to introduce accessories and jewelry, such as Hermès leather watches that are eye-captivating with its diamond-set collections.

From the gradated black sapphire dial of the Hermès Arceau Squelette watch and the diamond-set yellow gold watch with a white natural mother-of-pearl dial of the Hermès Cape Cod to the limited-edition Hermès Arceau collections, Hermès leather, and diamond watches are proof of the exceptional and contemporary vision that Hermès embodies.

How much is an Hermès watch?

Prices for luxury leather goods and watches have always been kept in secrecy and exclusivity, with prices that go beyond what a regular person could imagine. And so the question always boils down to this: How much is a luxury watch, or to be specific, how much is an Hermès watch and why does it cost this much?

Hermès’ Watch Collections

Prices for the Hermès Heure H: All About Branding

The Hermès Heure H is a wrap-around watch which was first introduced in 1996 under the guidance of designer Philippe Mouquet. Over the years, this collection has become a classic and timeless watch for women that highlights the signature initial of Hermès. The sleek and stylish H-shaped dial has two versions: steel and rose gold-plated adorned with diamonds and long interchangeable straps. The steel and rose gold plated H-shaped dial features a variety of colors for its dial and materials for its straps. Sizes for the Hermès Heure H range from 17.2mm to 30.5mm in size. Price-wise, watches from this collection cost between $2.825 USD and $16,500 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Cape Cod: The Most Popular Hermès Watch

The Hermès Cape Cod is one of the most recognizable and iconic Hermès watches, which was first released in 1991 under the great designer Henri d’Origny. The Cape Cod was well known for its square case inside a rectangle with a dial inspired by the iconic “Chaîne d’Ancre” or the popular anchor chain from the brand’s jewelry collection. Then, in 1998, Martin Margiela created the “Double Tour” strap, which gave the brand’s iconic leather strap a wrap-around touch.

Today, the Hermès Cape Cod is embellished with the iconic anchor chain style. It also features the wrap-around strap, with innovative designs and complications. Some of the watches in the collection are moonphase, gem-set, and comes in mother-of-pearl dials — solid proof that the brand stays true to their roots without having to sacrifice the ever-changing ideas and designs through various generations.

So, how much is the Hermès watch from this collection, you ask? The Hermès Cape Cod is priced at $3,125 USD for men’s watches, and between $3,000 USD and $16,075 USD for women’s watches.

Prices for the Hermès Médor: The Secret Watch

The Hermès Médor had its humble beginnings despite it being a playfully designed watch. The watch was designed and inspired by the brand’s first few items — a studded dog collar to be exact. Over time, the watch was transformed, earning it the title of the “secret” watch because of its unique cabochon case that covers the watch and opens up to an opaline silvered dial. The wrap-around leather strap, on the other hand, is still intact with the original design similar to a dog collar — a triple tour calfskin or alligator strap adorned with pyramid-shaped studs that come in different colors. The Hermès Médor’s price starts at $4,125 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Faubourg: Dainty and Fabulous

Hermès’ watches have always been classic and elegant and the Hermès Faubourg is the perfect embodiment of the women’s line. Hermès’ luxurious diamond watches usually vary in size and often highlight its classic features, but the Hermès Faubourg proves that even the smallest pieces can stand out.

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This small and petite watch is the brand’s smallest size with a diameter of 15.5mm. But this dainty ladie’s watch has every sense of luxury crafted in every corner. One specific model is a diamond-set rose gold watch with a white-lacquered dial. Strap options vary between rose gold and leather, giving a very elegant and feminine finish that is very eye-captivating with its glimmering touch. The price starts at $19,875 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Arceau:

The Hermès Arceau goes back to its roots with its features closely crafted with the brand’s signature icon, highly inspired by galloping horses. This collection, despite being the classic round watch, is one of the brand’s mechanically complicated pieces. The first few watches were dressed in white or blue lacquered dial and a single wrap-around strap that comes with either Matt abyss blue alligator strap or a long interchangeable calfskin strap — a classic Hermès leather watch. The Hermès Arceau is priced starting at $3,275 USD.

But as they say, Hermès has its way of interpreting time and mastering the art of making watches. The brand proved its power to create innovative pieces birthing to more complex collections, such as the Arceau Le Temps Suspendu released in 2011, known for “suspending time”. One quick push on the side button of the watch and time jumps and stops, and with another push, time goes back right.

In 2013, Hermès released the Arceau Lift Tourbillon Répétition inspired by the elevators of the famed 24 Rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris, evident in its horse-shaped open dial design. In 2019, they released the moon collection with its dial and displays based on moon phases and movements.

Hermès Watches Milestones and Innovations

Hermès’ reputation dates back to 1837 as an excellent harness and saddle maker that eventually made a good reputation for their leather goods. The house eventually embarked on their watchmaking journey starting from leather watch straps to fully manufacturing their own quality and timeless Hermès watches.

Today, Hermès stays true to producing contemporary artisanal watches by continuously creating timeless pieces, such as the Arceau L’Heure de la Lune, Arceau Ronde Des Heures, and Arceau Grande Lune that transport everyone into other dimensions with their different expressions of time.

Released in 2019, the Arceau L’Heure de la Lune features a vision of the Earth’s satellite with two visible mobile counters gravitating on a lunar. This collection has a Martian or Black Sahara meteorite dial that simultaneously displays moon phases in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The Arceau Ronde Des Heures, on the other hand, has the Earth’s satellite indicating the time as the numerals move in the moonlight, while the minute hand moves towards the stars of a constellation. Lastly on this innovative collection is the Arceau Grande Lune, a model that reflects the Gregorian calendar where apart from hours, minutes, and seconds, the watch features a display of the days of the week, the months, and the date of when the moon waxes, and wanes.

This collection also known as the hidden side of Hermès’ time is a solid proof of the long-standing and exceptional freedom the brand has in terms of creating and discovering unique and quality timepieces that will last a lifetime.

Famous Patrons of Hermès Watches

Hermès is most widely known for their fashion statements and accessories, but these Hermès’ leather watches especially for women are an absolute eye-candy for many stylish and affluent celebrities and personalities. The Hermès Cod, for example, has been an iconic and classic piece that has made its debut in the spotlight after being used and worn by Confessions of a Shopaholic star Isla Fisher. The orange Hermès leather watch is a perfect fit for the character’s hip, playful and elegant aura.

Among the other stars who have worn these elegant Hermes watches for women are Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, sporting an Hermès Medor and Gwyneth Paltrow and Kelly Rutherford wearing Hermès Cape Cod.

History of Hermès’ Watches

The House of Hermès was first established by harness-maker Thierry Hermès, who opened a workshop in rue Basse-du-Rempart and eventually moved by his son, Charles-Émile Hermès, to 24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré to open a store offering harnesses and saddles that were made to measure. From there, the house started getting recognition because of their excellent and quality creations, which later on led to venturing into the leather goods business spearheaded by Émile Hermès, son of Charles-Émile.

In 1925, the house opened its first-ever men’s ready-to-wear garment collection that started the fashion train of the family-led business. From clothing, the house released jewelry in 1927 to complement the fashion styles of their collections, which then led to the birth of Hermès watches.

The brand’s first-ever watch was created by Émile Hermès for his daughter Jacqueline. It was a pocket watch which Émile had attached some leather straps making it wearable for her daughters. From then on, the watch business of the brand took its time to build up and it wasn’t until 50 years later, in 1978, when Hermès ventured fully into watchmaking establishing Ateliers de la Montre Hermès SA in Biel, Switzerland, a watchmaking division of the company that produced quartz watches and leather straps.

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In 2003, Hermès launched their Dressage watch that was fully designed and created by Henri d’Origny from plates and cases inspired from the roots of the brand with its strap shackle similar to a saddle. The Dressage opened the doors for the brand to expand and explore the world of watchmaking.

Five Reasons to Buy a Hermès watch

1. Hermès is a Master in Horology

Despite the brand not being a watchmaker from the start, Hermès has mastered the art of making watches over the decades. What started out as a harness and saddle-making workshop and expanded in leather products has now fully upgraded to manufacturing their own Hermès diamond and leather watches. Hermès’ timepieces vary from classic and elegant to complex and innovative, with styles and designs that fit every style and preference.

2. Stylish and Classy

From Hermès’ leather watches to its diamond collections, the brand has stayed true to its quality finish no matter how complex its design, style, and complications are. From the classic collections of simple touches to more intricate styles and the most expensive and luxurious diamond watches, every single item by Hermès is crafted exceptionally through the six generations of artisans in this family-led business.

3. Quality and Luxurious

The question always comes down to how much is an Hermès watch and why is it pricey? Realistically and practically speaking, watches that are meant to last a lifetime are always on the pricier side, considering the materials used and the years spent to perfect these timepieces. But one thing that Hermès won’t disappoint you is how they can manage to present a timepiece that is within your budget too! A classic Hermès Heure H watch starts at $2,825 or less.

4. Creativity and Innovation

One thing that brings Hermès watches on top of the luxurious watchmaking business is its never-ending quest in finding and expressing its creative freedom. Throughout the years, every single collection the house has put out, from the colors and materials down to the themes, it all goes down to how they value the creative minds of the artisans who envisions and crafts these beautiful and useful items that can be passed down to future generations.

Every single watch is a product of the curious minds of these exceptional artisans and obtaining one of timepieces is like having a timeless art that is worth investing in.

5. A Reputable Brand

It is without a doubt that Hermès has marked its name in the luxurious fashion and leather goods industry. For decades now, the house has been producing high-quality products from harness and saddle making to becoming one of the most iconic luxury fashion brands in the world with signature clothing and bag collections in their frontline. To say the least, it is no surprise that Hermès’ leather watches are also making huge waves in the luxury watchmaking industry as evident in every collection released.

Hermès Watches: Where High Fashion Meets Haute Horlogerie

While they are most widely known for their fashion pieces such as ready-to-wear collections, accessories, and Birkin bags, Hermès has made its way to the watchmaking industry, and they are definitely here to stay. Time and time, the house has proven their quality standing in the fashion industry, and there is no denying the fact that they are among the fashion houses that also dominate the watchmaking world. One absolute reason for that is how the brand values innovation just as much as creativity. Hermès embodies the value of craftsmanship and they have their own way of interpreting ideas, concepts, and themes, making them a force to be reckoned with in the field of watchmaking.

Medor новые часы от Hermes

2 108 руб. 2 810 руб.

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4 830 руб. 6 440 руб.

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3 575 руб. 5 500 руб.

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6 990 руб. 9 320 руб.

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5 108 руб. 6 810 руб.

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4 792 руб. 6 390 руб.

5 812 руб. 7 750 руб.

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Hermes Watches

Hermès, a luxurious Parisian fashion house, is a transcendent and timeless brand known for its signature pieces of ready-to-wear garments and accessories, including perfumes, jewelry, and watches. For generations, the brand has become a household name with quality leather products from Birkin bags down to the straps of their watches. With the brand’s constant quest of creating contemporary artisanal items, Hermès watches are slowly dominating the world of luxury watchmaking with their quality, design, and functionality that can stand the test of time.

Hermes Watch Collections

Beyond Birkin: Hermès Sweeps Watch Lovers Off Their Feet, Too!

Hermès started as a harness and saddle workshop before eventually venturing into luxury leather goods. The sudden change of course of the family-owned business paved the way for it to bloom even more as they started to introduce accessories and jewelry, such as Hermès leather watches that are eye-captivating with its diamond-set collections.

From the gradated black sapphire dial of the Hermès Arceau Squelette watch and the diamond-set yellow gold watch with a white natural mother-of-pearl dial of the Hermès Cape Cod to the limited-edition Hermès Arceau collections, Hermès leather, and diamond watches are proof of the exceptional and contemporary vision that Hermès embodies.

How much is an Hermès watch?

Prices for luxury leather goods and watches have always been kept in secrecy and exclusivity, with prices that go beyond what a regular person could imagine. And so the question always boils down to this: How much is a luxury watch, or to be specific, how much is an Hermès watch and why does it cost this much?

Hermès’ Watch Collections

Prices for the Hermès Heure H: All About Branding

The Hermès Heure H is a wrap-around watch which was first introduced in 1996 under the guidance of designer Philippe Mouquet. Over the years, this collection has become a classic and timeless watch for women that highlights the signature initial of Hermès. The sleek and stylish H-shaped dial has two versions: steel and rose gold-plated adorned with diamonds and long interchangeable straps. The steel and rose gold plated H-shaped dial features a variety of colors for its dial and materials for its straps. Sizes for the Hermès Heure H range from 17.2mm to 30.5mm in size. Price-wise, watches from this collection cost between $2.825 USD and $16,500 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Cape Cod: The Most Popular Hermès Watch

The Hermès Cape Cod is one of the most recognizable and iconic Hermès watches, which was first released in 1991 under the great designer Henri d’Origny. The Cape Cod was well known for its square case inside a rectangle with a dial inspired by the iconic “Chaîne d’Ancre” or the popular anchor chain from the brand’s jewelry collection. Then, in 1998, Martin Margiela created the “Double Tour” strap, which gave the brand’s iconic leather strap a wrap-around touch.

Today, the Hermès Cape Cod is embellished with the iconic anchor chain style. It also features the wrap-around strap, with innovative designs and complications. Some of the watches in the collection are moonphase, gem-set, and comes in mother-of-pearl dials — solid proof that the brand stays true to their roots without having to sacrifice the ever-changing ideas and designs through various generations.

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So, how much is the Hermès watch from this collection, you ask? The Hermès Cape Cod is priced at $3,125 USD for men’s watches, and between $3,000 USD and $16,075 USD for women’s watches.

Prices for the Hermès Médor: The Secret Watch

The Hermès Médor had its humble beginnings despite it being a playfully designed watch. The watch was designed and inspired by the brand’s first few items — a studded dog collar to be exact. Over time, the watch was transformed, earning it the title of the “secret” watch because of its unique cabochon case that covers the watch and opens up to an opaline silvered dial. The wrap-around leather strap, on the other hand, is still intact with the original design similar to a dog collar — a triple tour calfskin or alligator strap adorned with pyramid-shaped studs that come in different colors. The Hermès Médor’s price starts at $4,125 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Faubourg: Dainty and Fabulous

Hermès’ watches have always been classic and elegant and the Hermès Faubourg is the perfect embodiment of the women’s line. Hermès’ luxurious diamond watches usually vary in size and often highlight its classic features, but the Hermès Faubourg proves that even the smallest pieces can stand out.

This small and petite watch is the brand’s smallest size with a diameter of 15.5mm. But this dainty ladie’s watch has every sense of luxury crafted in every corner. One specific model is a diamond-set rose gold watch with a white-lacquered dial. Strap options vary between rose gold and leather, giving a very elegant and feminine finish that is very eye-captivating with its glimmering touch. The price starts at $19,875 USD.

Prices for the Hermès Arceau:

The Hermès Arceau goes back to its roots with its features closely crafted with the brand’s signature icon, highly inspired by galloping horses. This collection, despite being the classic round watch, is one of the brand’s mechanically complicated pieces. The first few watches were dressed in white or blue lacquered dial and a single wrap-around strap that comes with either Matt abyss blue alligator strap or a long interchangeable calfskin strap — a classic Hermès leather watch. The Hermès Arceau is priced starting at $3,275 USD.

But as they say, Hermès has its way of interpreting time and mastering the art of making watches. The brand proved its power to create innovative pieces birthing to more complex collections, such as the Arceau Le Temps Suspendu released in 2011, known for “suspending time”. One quick push on the side button of the watch and time jumps and stops, and with another push, time goes back right.

In 2013, Hermès released the Arceau Lift Tourbillon Répétition inspired by the elevators of the famed 24 Rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris, evident in its horse-shaped open dial design. In 2019, they released the moon collection with its dial and displays based on moon phases and movements.

Hermès Watches Milestones and Innovations

Hermès’ reputation dates back to 1837 as an excellent harness and saddle maker that eventually made a good reputation for their leather goods. The house eventually embarked on their watchmaking journey starting from leather watch straps to fully manufacturing their own quality and timeless Hermès watches.

Today, Hermès stays true to producing contemporary artisanal watches by continuously creating timeless pieces, such as the Arceau L’Heure de la Lune, Arceau Ronde Des Heures, and Arceau Grande Lune that transport everyone into other dimensions with their different expressions of time.

Released in 2019, the Arceau L’Heure de la Lune features a vision of the Earth’s satellite with two visible mobile counters gravitating on a lunar. This collection has a Martian or Black Sahara meteorite dial that simultaneously displays moon phases in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The Arceau Ronde Des Heures, on the other hand, has the Earth’s satellite indicating the time as the numerals move in the moonlight, while the minute hand moves towards the stars of a constellation. Lastly on this innovative collection is the Arceau Grande Lune, a model that reflects the Gregorian calendar where apart from hours, minutes, and seconds, the watch features a display of the days of the week, the months, and the date of when the moon waxes, and wanes.

This collection also known as the hidden side of Hermès’ time is a solid proof of the long-standing and exceptional freedom the brand has in terms of creating and discovering unique and quality timepieces that will last a lifetime.

Famous Patrons of Hermès Watches

Hermès is most widely known for their fashion statements and accessories, but these Hermès’ leather watches especially for women are an absolute eye-candy for many stylish and affluent celebrities and personalities. The Hermès Cod, for example, has been an iconic and classic piece that has made its debut in the spotlight after being used and worn by Confessions of a Shopaholic star Isla Fisher. The orange Hermès leather watch is a perfect fit for the character’s hip, playful and elegant aura.

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Among the other stars who have worn these elegant Hermes watches for women are Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, sporting an Hermès Medor and Gwyneth Paltrow and Kelly Rutherford wearing Hermès Cape Cod.

History of Hermès’ Watches

The House of Hermès was first established by harness-maker Thierry Hermès, who opened a workshop in rue Basse-du-Rempart and eventually moved by his son, Charles-Émile Hermès, to 24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré to open a store offering harnesses and saddles that were made to measure. From there, the house started getting recognition because of their excellent and quality creations, which later on led to venturing into the leather goods business spearheaded by Émile Hermès, son of Charles-Émile.

In 1925, the house opened its first-ever men’s ready-to-wear garment collection that started the fashion train of the family-led business. From clothing, the house released jewelry in 1927 to complement the fashion styles of their collections, which then led to the birth of Hermès watches.

The brand’s first-ever watch was created by Émile Hermès for his daughter Jacqueline. It was a pocket watch which Émile had attached some leather straps making it wearable for her daughters. From then on, the watch business of the brand took its time to build up and it wasn’t until 50 years later, in 1978, when Hermès ventured fully into watchmaking establishing Ateliers de la Montre Hermès SA in Biel, Switzerland, a watchmaking division of the company that produced quartz watches and leather straps.

In 2003, Hermès launched their Dressage watch that was fully designed and created by Henri d’Origny from plates and cases inspired from the roots of the brand with its strap shackle similar to a saddle. The Dressage opened the doors for the brand to expand and explore the world of watchmaking.

Five Reasons to Buy a Hermès watch

1. Hermès is a Master in Horology

Despite the brand not being a watchmaker from the start, Hermès has mastered the art of making watches over the decades. What started out as a harness and saddle-making workshop and expanded in leather products has now fully upgraded to manufacturing their own Hermès diamond and leather watches. Hermès’ timepieces vary from classic and elegant to complex and innovative, with styles and designs that fit every style and preference.

2. Stylish and Classy

From Hermès’ leather watches to its diamond collections, the brand has stayed true to its quality finish no matter how complex its design, style, and complications are. From the classic collections of simple touches to more intricate styles and the most expensive and luxurious diamond watches, every single item by Hermès is crafted exceptionally through the six generations of artisans in this family-led business.

3. Quality and Luxurious

The question always comes down to how much is an Hermès watch and why is it pricey? Realistically and practically speaking, watches that are meant to last a lifetime are always on the pricier side, considering the materials used and the years spent to perfect these timepieces. But one thing that Hermès won’t disappoint you is how they can manage to present a timepiece that is within your budget too! A classic Hermès Heure H watch starts at $2,825 or less.

4. Creativity and Innovation

One thing that brings Hermès watches on top of the luxurious watchmaking business is its never-ending quest in finding and expressing its creative freedom. Throughout the years, every single collection the house has put out, from the colors and materials down to the themes, it all goes down to how they value the creative minds of the artisans who envisions and crafts these beautiful and useful items that can be passed down to future generations.

Every single watch is a product of the curious minds of these exceptional artisans and obtaining one of timepieces is like having a timeless art that is worth investing in.

5. A Reputable Brand

It is without a doubt that Hermès has marked its name in the luxurious fashion and leather goods industry. For decades now, the house has been producing high-quality products from harness and saddle making to becoming one of the most iconic luxury fashion brands in the world with signature clothing and bag collections in their frontline. To say the least, it is no surprise that Hermès’ leather watches are also making huge waves in the luxury watchmaking industry as evident in every collection released.

Hermès Watches: Where High Fashion Meets Haute Horlogerie

While they are most widely known for their fashion pieces such as ready-to-wear collections, accessories, and Birkin bags, Hermès has made its way to the watchmaking industry, and they are definitely here to stay. Time and time, the house has proven their quality standing in the fashion industry, and there is no denying the fact that they are among the fashion houses that also dominate the watchmaking world. One absolute reason for that is how the brand values innovation just as much as creativity. Hermès embodies the value of craftsmanship and they have their own way of interpreting ideas, concepts, and themes, making them a force to be reckoned with in the field of watchmaking.

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